Contact Us: richardruesch@rightwayimaging.com
Three Questions: Have you ever known someone that had a heart attack? Have you ever known someone that had a stroke? Have you ever known someone that had cancer? WHAT IF YOU COULD HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE? Good health and wellness require preventive action, and if necessary, professional medical treatment. Rightway Imaging offers affordable, convenient, and technologically advanced health screening service designed to uncover areas of concern, even for participants with little to NO symptoms. Vascular and Abdominal ultrasound services may detect health concerns "before" they become health problems. These are tests that focus on 8 areas of the body taking images inside the main arteries and organs checking for mild to severe abnormalities that could go unnoticed by regular routine checkups. Please see "Services" offered Heart Attack, Stroke, and Cancer "typically" start out as physical ailments which worsen, grow, or spread over time. This may happen until death, serious debility, or organ failure occurs. Many of these progressive diseases can be halted and reversed if the physical ailments are detected early. Rightway Imaging offers a breakthrough opportunity to detect health concerns (physical ailments) "before" the become health problems (disease). This is an opportunity for you to OFFER these vital services to your organization, church, school district or company at NO COST TO THE LOCATION. We only need two things; A room or space to offer the screenings, and A date to perform the tests. These are NOT screenings that are performed at routine physicals, nor will insurance companies pay for them unless you have symtpoms. These screenings could cost up to $500 or more in a hospital. We offer these screenings collectively for less than $17 each. So you can see the advantage of the offering. If you would like to offer these screenings to your organization, please contact us via e-mail, or give us a call. Offering these vital screenings to your organization is the first step in detecting health concerns before they become health problems. It is only then that we can make a difference in a person's life. Isn't that what this is all about... "Making a Difference"